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Demo - Asset Data Navigation

See how to access a variety of data in your digital twin, from 2D drawings to documents and relationships.
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In this bookmark, we can see various related asset data through the use of different actions—in this case, hover, left-click and right-click.

If I hover over the orange pipe I get a 2D drawing pop-up. If I left-click the pump, I get the info view panel. I've got information about this pump: I can see the relationship this pump has with any other object, any images that have been uploaded to the system or are hosted externally. We can scroll through those images.

We can also see that there are various documents attached to this particular object, or again could be linked to from a third-party system. We can preview that—here we have some links—so this is to a document related to this pump from the manufacturer, and this is hosted externally in relation to this object. This is where users can add comments, and they can see comments already provided by other users, it's also possible to have a real-time dialogue take place between users.

If I right-click on the pump we can have a different action so, in this case, we get a pop-up window. We have a 2D drawing on the right-hand side. In the middle, we've got a product brochure and then on the left a maintenance video which we can then play, which gives information about how to do the maintenance on this particular homogenizer.

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